Past Presenters and Affiliations
Heather R. Abraham, Esq. Georgetown Law-Civil Rights Clinic
Stella Adams S. J. Adams Consulting
Michael Allen, Esq. Relman & Dane, PLLC
Chancela Al-Mansour, Esq Executive Director of the Housing Rights Center
Dorothy Alther California Indian Legal Services
Suzanne Ambrose Center for Employment Opportunities, San Diego, CA
Allan M. Arnell Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities
Barbara Arnwine, Esq. Transformative Justice Coalition
Keira Auzenne, Esq. Center for Employment Opportunities, San Diego, CA
Hermes Ayala Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley
Susan Baldwin San Diego Association of Governments
Ophelia Basgal Housing Authority-County of Alameda
Pam Bean Montana Fair Housing
Thomas Beltran, Esq. Attorney advocate
Steve Berenson, Esq. Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Carly Bernardini U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Allison K. Bethel State of Florida Office of the Attorney General
Ann Billotti California Department of Fair Employment & Housing
Catherine Bishop, Esq. National Housing Law Project
David Blair-Loy, Esq. American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego
Jason Bolton The Help Group, Sherman Oaks, CA
Courtney Bonam Stanford University
Alyssa Bower The Help Group
Chris Brancart, Esq. Brancart & Brancart, Pescadeo, CA
Elizabeth Brancart, Esq. Brancart & Brancart, Pescadeo, CA
Mona Breed Sentinel Fair Housing
Christopher Bridges Equal Justice Society, Oakland, CA
Roy L. Brooks University of San Diego School of Law
Maeve Elise Brown Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
Merilyn D. Brown JohnMarshall LawSchool Fair Housing Legal Support Center
Darlene Burke A New Way of Life
Tim Butz Fair Housing Center of Nebraska-Iowa
Kristina Campbell Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
David Campt National Center for Cultural Healing
Harry Carey U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Eric Carlson National Senior Citizens Law Center
Lizette Carrion Fair Housing Justice Center, New York, NY
Kenneth J. Carroll Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD-SF
F. Willis Caruso, Esq. JMLS Fair Housing Legal Support Center
Sherry Casper Director of Center for Thoughtful Lasting Change, Inc
Sue Castaneda Support Center/Executive Service Corps, San Diego, CA
Denise Cato Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Gary M. Chang, Esq. Director of Legal Affairs Proxy for Parent Foundation
Scott Chang, Esq. Housing Rights Center, Los Angeles, CA
Mark Charles Teacher-Consultant, Author - “Unsettling Truths”
Erwin Chemerinsky University of California, Berkeley School of Law
Phyllis W. Cheng, Esq. California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Ron Chisom The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond
Dee Claxton National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Cathy Cloud National Fair Housing Alliance
Nadine Cohen, Esq. Greater Boston Legal Services
Reed Colfax Relman and Dane, LCCP
Helen Consiglio Fair Housing Council of Northern New Jersey
Lisa Cristol-Deman, Esq. Brancart and Brancart, Pescadero, CA
Michael Crowley, Esq. Crowley Law Group, APC
Jerry Cullinen FHEO Program Center HUD-Los Angeles
K. Culliton-Gonzalez, Esq. Voter Protection for Advancement Project
Stephen Curran U. S. Department of Justice
Molly Current Project Sentinel
Jackie Dai Office of Clients' Rights Advocacy
Michael M. Daniel Civil Rights Attorney, Dallas, TX
Okainer Christian Dark U. S. Attorney’s Office Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit
Ivy L. Davis Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD
Mary A. Davis Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities
Gabe Del Rio Community Housing Works
Marcie Denberg San Diego Regional Office of the Anti-Defamation League
Pamela Denzer, Esq. Immigration Equality
Meredith Desautels Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of San Francisco Bay
Gordon Dewitty Musician, Disability Awareness Advocate
Ben Diehl, Esq. Consumer Law Section of the California Attorney General
Clifford Dover Civil Rights Attorney, Huntington Beach, CA
Peter Dreier Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
Paul Dumont Sober Living Network
Margaret Elder, Esq. Law Offices of Margaret Elder
Allison Elgart, Esq. Equal Justice Society
Michael Evans Brancart & Brancart, Pescadero, CA
Stacy Everson SEEDS Educational Services
Laura Ann Fernea San Diego Eviction Prevention Collaborative
Bill Flores El Grupo, San Diego, CA
Todd Francis Native Community Capital (NCC)
Rebekah Fretz California Office of the Attorney General, Los Angeles, CA
Fred Frieberg Fair Housing Justice Center, New York City
Wendy Furth National Association of REALTORS®
Jennifer Ganata, Esq. Eviction Defense Network
Juan Carlos Garcia Director of Programs for Special Needs Network
Oscar Garcia, Esq. San Diego Regional Hate Crimes Coalition
Piedad Garcia Mental Health Systems, San Diego County
Liam Garland, Esq. Equitas Media
Lori Gay Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Service
Fernando Gaytan, Esq. Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Cara Gillette Nan McKay and Associates
Ira Goldstein The Reinvestment Fund
Graciela Gonzalez Mental Health Association, San Diego County, CA
David Grabill, Esq. Sonoma County Housing Advocacy Group
Bryan Greene Fair Housing Policy, National Association of REALTORS
Lynne Gregory Clinical Services Department at San Diego Regional Center
Navnett Grewal, Esq. Western Center on Law and Poverty
Lynn Grosso, Esq. Office of Fair Housing and Opportunity, HUD
Craig Gurian, Esq. Fordham University School of Law
R. Tamar Hagler, Esq. Civil Rights Division,of the U. S. Department of Justice
Paul F. Hancock Housing and Civil Rights Enforcement Division, DOJ
Erica Hardwick Southwest Fair Housing Council
Rhonda M. Harmon Mezzullo & McCandlish, Midlothian, VA
Sharon L. Hartmann Law Offices of Sharon Lybeck Hartmann, Los Angeles, CA
Chuck Hauptman Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD-SF
Dennis Hayashi California State Department of Fair Employment Housing
Jean M. Healey Enforcement Strategy, Northeast Region
Todd Hemmen, Esq. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Desiree Hensley, Esq. Low-Income Housing Assoc, University of Mississippi
Jesus Hernandez, PhD. University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Marty Hiles American Indian Radio
Stacie Hiramoto Racial and Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition
Marley Hochendoner, Esq. Northwest Fair Housing Alliance, Spokane, WA
Palma Hooper Pan Asian Lawyers - Filipino Lawyers of San Diego
Shajuti Hossain, Esq. Metropolitan Equity Team at Public Advocates, CA
Diane L. Houk, Esq. Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady, LLP
Madeline Howard, Esq. Western Center on Law & Poverty
Philip Hwang, Esq. Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights of San Francisco
Mary Irving Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Banning, CA
Ilene J. Jacobs, Esq. California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.
Beth Jarosz San Diego Association of Governments
Ron Javor CA Department of Housing and Community Development
Vic Jenkins Author, Educator, and Victim’s Advocate
Erica Jimenez Deputy District Attorney, Special Ops/Hate Crimes, S. D.
Dorothy Johnson California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.
Barbara Jones AARP Foundation
Ann Moss Joyner Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities
Maya S. Juarez Civil Rights Attorney, San Antonio, TX
Elizabeth Julian Poverty and civil rights lawyer and advocate
Cheryl Ann Kary Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Benjamin Kelso San Diego Black Police Officers Association
Kim Kendrick Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD-DC
Steve King Urban Strategies Council, Oakland, CA
Sharon Kinlaw Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley
Kevin Kish, Esg. African American Policy Forum
David Kline Fair Housing Council of San Diego
Katherine Knister Silver State Fair Housing Center, Reno, NV
Mary Scott Knoll Fair Housing Council of San Diego
Barry Kowalski Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice
Peter Kye, ESQ. Poverty & Race Research Action Council
Kevin LaChapelle CEO, San Diego American Indian Health Center
Liz Laderman Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Rachel Laing Laing Strategies Communications
Phillip Lawson East Bay Housing Organizations
Daniella Gibbs Leger American Progress
Paul Leonard Center for Responsible Lending
Laurie Levenson, Esq. Center for Legal Advocacy at Loyola Law School
Brain Levin, Esq. Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism, San Bernardino
David Levin Bay Area Legal Aid
David Levy Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Leslie Levy, Esq. Levy Vinick Burrell Hyams, LLP, Oakland, CA
Catherine Lhamon Director of Impact Litigation at Public Counsel
Heidi Li Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
Arthur A. Liberty Office of Administrative Law Judges HUD
George Lipsitz University of California at Santa Barbara
Bill Lockyer California Office of the Attorney General
David Loy, Esq. ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties, CA
Richard Mabbutt Intermountain Fair Housing Council
Joan A. Magagna Housing and Civil Rights Enforcement Division, DOJ
Robert Makley, Esq. Berglund & Johnson
Joan Mariner Department of Housing and Urban Development
Jonathan Markovitz, Esq. ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties
Ann Marquart Project Sentinel
Mercedes Marquez General Counsel for Civil Rights and Fair Housing HUD
Areva Martin, Esq. Martin & Martin, LLP
Emily J. Martin American Civil Liberties Union Women’s Rights Project, NY
Lynn Martinez, Esq. Western Center on Law and Poverty
Chancela Matthews Rhoades & Al Mansour
Doreen Mattingly San Diego State University
Natalie Maxwell, Esq. National Housing Law Project
Jeffery May National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Wendy P. Mazzarella, Esq District Attorney's Office, San Diego
Tracy McCartney Tennessee Fair Housing Council
Ken W. McCormick District Attorney-Contra Costa County
Tracy McCracken, Esq. National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Sara McCue, Esq. Baird Holm LLP
David McGowan Author, Expert on Ethics Issues
Denise McGranahan, Esq. Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Nan McKay Nan McKay Associates, San Diego, CA
Catherine McKee National Housing Law Project
Christina McLeod Fair Housing Center of Washington
Namrata Rindani McMahill Mental Health Systems, San Diego, CA
Ann Menashe San Diego Office of Disability Rights
David Mendoza Fresno Native American & Business Development Center/Project Director
Kathleen Mikkelson, Esq. California Attorney General’s Office
Scott T. Millington Superior Court of Los Angeles County
Bonnie Milstein Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Christine Minnehan Western Center on Law and Poverty
Kim R. Moore Servant Leader, Organizer and Activist
Scott P. Moore, Esq. National Expert in Housing Law and Litigation
Enique Morones House of Mexico & House of Border Angels, San Diego, CA
Malissa Morris, Esq. Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
Ann Moss-Joyner Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities
Marjorie Murray Center for California Homeowner Association Law
Shayla Myers Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Jessica L. Nare Jewish Family Service
Ann Noel Fair Employment and Housing Commission
Priscilla Ocen Loyola College
Jayne O’Donnell USA’TODAY’s Health Policy Reporter
Odion L. Okojie, Law Offices of Odion Okojie
Heidi-Jane Olguin Law Offices of Sharon Lybeck Hartmann
Rigel Oliveri, Esq. University of Missouri
Roberto Ortiz Silver State Fair Housing Center, Reno, NV
Jennifer S. Pae Fairvote California
Crystal Page Center on Policy Initiatives
Richard Painter University of Minnesota Law School
Jim Park Asian Real Estate Association of America
Sandra Park American Civil Liberties Union Women’s Rights Project, NY
Deborah Smith Parker Solutions for Treatment Expansion
Wendy Patrick San Diego District Attorney’s Office
Caroline Peattie Fair Housing of Marin, CA
Ellen Peck California State Bar Ethic’s Committee
Kim Pedersen Fair Housing Law Project, Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
Erin Penning Legal Ethics Committee - San Diego County Bar Association
Carolyn Peoples Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD
James Perry Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Center
Jill Peterson California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Mike Phillips, Esq. Jewish Family Services, San Diego, CA
D. Elizabeth Pierson Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Lee Porter Fair Housing Council Northern New Jersey
Sara Pratt, Esq. Relman Colfax PLLC, Washington, DC
Jim Pries Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc
Alex Prieto, Esq. Western Center on Law & Poverty, Los Angeles, CA
David T. Quezada Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunities HUD-LA
Sheila Quinlan, Esq. California Indian Legal Services
Louis Rafti, Esq. Advocate for the Poor and Disabled
Michael Rawson California Affordable Housing Law Project
Joseph Red Bear American Indian Movement
Kevin Reed NAACP Legal Defense Fund and Educational Defense Fund
Dolores Reimann Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Joachim (Joe) Reimann Professional & Personal Excellence International
John P. Relman Relman and Associates, Washington DC
Gary Rhoades Law Offices of Rhoades and Al Mansour
Lisa Rice National Fair Housing Alliance
Jacqueline Rickman Lao Family Services
Jul Rivera National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, San Diego, CA
Laura Robinson Financial Analytics Consulting Team, Inc.
Dennis Rockway, Esq. Attorney Advocate
Catherine A Rodman, Esq. Affordable Housing Advocates, San Diego, CA
Steven Rosenbaum, Esq. Civil Rights Division of the U. S. Department of Justice
Beth Rosen–Prinz California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Richard Rothstein Economic Policy Institute
David Rubin San Diego County District Attorney’s Office
Robert Rubin, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney
Mya Rupert, Esq. National Center for Lesbian Rights
Juliet Saltman Kent State University
Chris Saunders San Diego Regional Hate Crimes Coalition
Kim Savage Mental Health Advocacy Services, Los Angeles,
Susan Saylor California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Kerry Scanlon Kaye, Scholar, Fireman, Hays & Handler, Washington, DC
Clifford Schrupp Fair Housing Center of Metro Detroit
Meliah Schultzman National Housing Law Project
Amy Schur Alliance of California for Community Empowerment
Dara Schur, Esq. California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Robert G. Schwemm, Esq. University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, KY
Lisa Walker Scott Housing and Development Law Institute
Susan L. Scovill HOME of Virginia
Christopher Sedmak Federal Bureau of Investigation Civil Rights Program
Alexandra Seldin, Esq. California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Michael P. Seng, Esq. UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL
Andrew A. Servais, Esq. Wingert, Grebing, Brubaaker & Juakie, LLP
Lillian C. Seymore JohnMarshall LawSchool Fair Housing Legal Support Center
Rasheed Shabazz Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society
Lori Shellenberger, Esq. American Civil Liberties Union, San Diego, CA
Susan Ann Silverstein AARP Foundation Litigation, Washington, DC
Jonathan Simon Center for the Study of Law and Society, Berkeley, CA
James D. Smith Law Office of James D. Smith, Berkeley, CA
Jay Smith Community Advocate
Shanna Smith National Fair Housing Alliance
Jessica Tankersley Sparks Fair Housing of Marin, San Rafael, CA
Andrew Sperling, Esq. NAMI, Alexandria, VA
Greg Spiegel Inner City Law Center, Los Angeles, CA
Kevin Stein, Esq. California Reinvestment Coalition
Naomi Sultan, Esq. Mental Health Advocacy Services
Jennifer Susskind Welcome Home Project
Suha Talib Intermountain Fair Housing Council
John Taylor National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Percy Thomas National Fair Housing Training Academy
Carla J. Thorton California Baptist University, Riverside, CA
Kere K. Tickner, Esq. Bremer Whyte Brown & O'Meara LLP
Chris Tenorio, Esq. US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Dan Torres, Esq. California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
Jim Treglio Fair Housing Council of San Diego
Robert Trestan Office of Civil Rights, Boston Housing Authority, Boston, MA
Nina Turner Ohio State Senator
Michelle Uzeta, Esq. Law Office of Michelle Uzeta
Ed Valenzuela Arizona Fair Housing Center
Hector Villagra American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California
Edward Voci Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities
Christopher Vogel, Esq. U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Nisha Vyas Housing Rights Center, Los Angeles
Kenneth M. Walden, Esq. Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago, IL
Ashley Walker City of San Diego’s Human Relations Commission
Pamela D. Walsh Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunities HUD-DC
John Ward, Esq. Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board
Michael Waterstone, Esq. Harvard Law School Project on Disability
Alphonza Whitaker Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission
Jennifer J. White The Help Group
Kellee White Research Fellow, Harvard University School of Public Health
Michelle White, Esq. Affordable Housing Services, Pasadena, CA
Sheryl V. Whitney Whitney Jennings
David Whritenour Fair Housing Council of Northern New Jersey
Renee Williams, Esq. National Housing Law Project
Lei-Chala Wilson, Esq. Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association
Jeanine Worden, Esq. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD
Daniel Yi Civil Rights Division's Fair Housing Testing Program
Jerome Zamos Law Office of Odion Okojie
Noah Zinner, Esq. Attorney Advocate
Stella Adams S. J. Adams Consulting
Michael Allen, Esq. Relman & Dane, PLLC
Chancela Al-Mansour, Esq Executive Director of the Housing Rights Center
Dorothy Alther California Indian Legal Services
Suzanne Ambrose Center for Employment Opportunities, San Diego, CA
Allan M. Arnell Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities
Barbara Arnwine, Esq. Transformative Justice Coalition
Keira Auzenne, Esq. Center for Employment Opportunities, San Diego, CA
Hermes Ayala Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley
Susan Baldwin San Diego Association of Governments
Ophelia Basgal Housing Authority-County of Alameda
Pam Bean Montana Fair Housing
Thomas Beltran, Esq. Attorney advocate
Steve Berenson, Esq. Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Carly Bernardini U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Allison K. Bethel State of Florida Office of the Attorney General
Ann Billotti California Department of Fair Employment & Housing
Catherine Bishop, Esq. National Housing Law Project
David Blair-Loy, Esq. American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego
Jason Bolton The Help Group, Sherman Oaks, CA
Courtney Bonam Stanford University
Alyssa Bower The Help Group
Chris Brancart, Esq. Brancart & Brancart, Pescadeo, CA
Elizabeth Brancart, Esq. Brancart & Brancart, Pescadeo, CA
Mona Breed Sentinel Fair Housing
Christopher Bridges Equal Justice Society, Oakland, CA
Roy L. Brooks University of San Diego School of Law
Maeve Elise Brown Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
Merilyn D. Brown JohnMarshall LawSchool Fair Housing Legal Support Center
Darlene Burke A New Way of Life
Tim Butz Fair Housing Center of Nebraska-Iowa
Kristina Campbell Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
David Campt National Center for Cultural Healing
Harry Carey U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Eric Carlson National Senior Citizens Law Center
Lizette Carrion Fair Housing Justice Center, New York, NY
Kenneth J. Carroll Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD-SF
F. Willis Caruso, Esq. JMLS Fair Housing Legal Support Center
Sherry Casper Director of Center for Thoughtful Lasting Change, Inc
Sue Castaneda Support Center/Executive Service Corps, San Diego, CA
Denise Cato Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Gary M. Chang, Esq. Director of Legal Affairs Proxy for Parent Foundation
Scott Chang, Esq. Housing Rights Center, Los Angeles, CA
Mark Charles Teacher-Consultant, Author - “Unsettling Truths”
Erwin Chemerinsky University of California, Berkeley School of Law
Phyllis W. Cheng, Esq. California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Ron Chisom The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond
Dee Claxton National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Cathy Cloud National Fair Housing Alliance
Nadine Cohen, Esq. Greater Boston Legal Services
Reed Colfax Relman and Dane, LCCP
Helen Consiglio Fair Housing Council of Northern New Jersey
Lisa Cristol-Deman, Esq. Brancart and Brancart, Pescadero, CA
Michael Crowley, Esq. Crowley Law Group, APC
Jerry Cullinen FHEO Program Center HUD-Los Angeles
K. Culliton-Gonzalez, Esq. Voter Protection for Advancement Project
Stephen Curran U. S. Department of Justice
Molly Current Project Sentinel
Jackie Dai Office of Clients' Rights Advocacy
Michael M. Daniel Civil Rights Attorney, Dallas, TX
Okainer Christian Dark U. S. Attorney’s Office Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit
Ivy L. Davis Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD
Mary A. Davis Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities
Gabe Del Rio Community Housing Works
Marcie Denberg San Diego Regional Office of the Anti-Defamation League
Pamela Denzer, Esq. Immigration Equality
Meredith Desautels Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of San Francisco Bay
Gordon Dewitty Musician, Disability Awareness Advocate
Ben Diehl, Esq. Consumer Law Section of the California Attorney General
Clifford Dover Civil Rights Attorney, Huntington Beach, CA
Peter Dreier Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
Paul Dumont Sober Living Network
Margaret Elder, Esq. Law Offices of Margaret Elder
Allison Elgart, Esq. Equal Justice Society
Michael Evans Brancart & Brancart, Pescadero, CA
Stacy Everson SEEDS Educational Services
Laura Ann Fernea San Diego Eviction Prevention Collaborative
Bill Flores El Grupo, San Diego, CA
Todd Francis Native Community Capital (NCC)
Rebekah Fretz California Office of the Attorney General, Los Angeles, CA
Fred Frieberg Fair Housing Justice Center, New York City
Wendy Furth National Association of REALTORS®
Jennifer Ganata, Esq. Eviction Defense Network
Juan Carlos Garcia Director of Programs for Special Needs Network
Oscar Garcia, Esq. San Diego Regional Hate Crimes Coalition
Piedad Garcia Mental Health Systems, San Diego County
Liam Garland, Esq. Equitas Media
Lori Gay Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Service
Fernando Gaytan, Esq. Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Cara Gillette Nan McKay and Associates
Ira Goldstein The Reinvestment Fund
Graciela Gonzalez Mental Health Association, San Diego County, CA
David Grabill, Esq. Sonoma County Housing Advocacy Group
Bryan Greene Fair Housing Policy, National Association of REALTORS
Lynne Gregory Clinical Services Department at San Diego Regional Center
Navnett Grewal, Esq. Western Center on Law and Poverty
Lynn Grosso, Esq. Office of Fair Housing and Opportunity, HUD
Craig Gurian, Esq. Fordham University School of Law
R. Tamar Hagler, Esq. Civil Rights Division,of the U. S. Department of Justice
Paul F. Hancock Housing and Civil Rights Enforcement Division, DOJ
Erica Hardwick Southwest Fair Housing Council
Rhonda M. Harmon Mezzullo & McCandlish, Midlothian, VA
Sharon L. Hartmann Law Offices of Sharon Lybeck Hartmann, Los Angeles, CA
Chuck Hauptman Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD-SF
Dennis Hayashi California State Department of Fair Employment Housing
Jean M. Healey Enforcement Strategy, Northeast Region
Todd Hemmen, Esq. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Desiree Hensley, Esq. Low-Income Housing Assoc, University of Mississippi
Jesus Hernandez, PhD. University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Marty Hiles American Indian Radio
Stacie Hiramoto Racial and Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition
Marley Hochendoner, Esq. Northwest Fair Housing Alliance, Spokane, WA
Palma Hooper Pan Asian Lawyers - Filipino Lawyers of San Diego
Shajuti Hossain, Esq. Metropolitan Equity Team at Public Advocates, CA
Diane L. Houk, Esq. Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady, LLP
Madeline Howard, Esq. Western Center on Law & Poverty
Philip Hwang, Esq. Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights of San Francisco
Mary Irving Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Banning, CA
Ilene J. Jacobs, Esq. California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.
Beth Jarosz San Diego Association of Governments
Ron Javor CA Department of Housing and Community Development
Vic Jenkins Author, Educator, and Victim’s Advocate
Erica Jimenez Deputy District Attorney, Special Ops/Hate Crimes, S. D.
Dorothy Johnson California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.
Barbara Jones AARP Foundation
Ann Moss Joyner Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities
Maya S. Juarez Civil Rights Attorney, San Antonio, TX
Elizabeth Julian Poverty and civil rights lawyer and advocate
Cheryl Ann Kary Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Benjamin Kelso San Diego Black Police Officers Association
Kim Kendrick Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD-DC
Steve King Urban Strategies Council, Oakland, CA
Sharon Kinlaw Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley
Kevin Kish, Esg. African American Policy Forum
David Kline Fair Housing Council of San Diego
Katherine Knister Silver State Fair Housing Center, Reno, NV
Mary Scott Knoll Fair Housing Council of San Diego
Barry Kowalski Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice
Peter Kye, ESQ. Poverty & Race Research Action Council
Kevin LaChapelle CEO, San Diego American Indian Health Center
Liz Laderman Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Rachel Laing Laing Strategies Communications
Phillip Lawson East Bay Housing Organizations
Daniella Gibbs Leger American Progress
Paul Leonard Center for Responsible Lending
Laurie Levenson, Esq. Center for Legal Advocacy at Loyola Law School
Brain Levin, Esq. Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism, San Bernardino
David Levin Bay Area Legal Aid
David Levy Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Leslie Levy, Esq. Levy Vinick Burrell Hyams, LLP, Oakland, CA
Catherine Lhamon Director of Impact Litigation at Public Counsel
Heidi Li Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
Arthur A. Liberty Office of Administrative Law Judges HUD
George Lipsitz University of California at Santa Barbara
Bill Lockyer California Office of the Attorney General
David Loy, Esq. ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties, CA
Richard Mabbutt Intermountain Fair Housing Council
Joan A. Magagna Housing and Civil Rights Enforcement Division, DOJ
Robert Makley, Esq. Berglund & Johnson
Joan Mariner Department of Housing and Urban Development
Jonathan Markovitz, Esq. ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties
Ann Marquart Project Sentinel
Mercedes Marquez General Counsel for Civil Rights and Fair Housing HUD
Areva Martin, Esq. Martin & Martin, LLP
Emily J. Martin American Civil Liberties Union Women’s Rights Project, NY
Lynn Martinez, Esq. Western Center on Law and Poverty
Chancela Matthews Rhoades & Al Mansour
Doreen Mattingly San Diego State University
Natalie Maxwell, Esq. National Housing Law Project
Jeffery May National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Wendy P. Mazzarella, Esq District Attorney's Office, San Diego
Tracy McCartney Tennessee Fair Housing Council
Ken W. McCormick District Attorney-Contra Costa County
Tracy McCracken, Esq. National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Sara McCue, Esq. Baird Holm LLP
David McGowan Author, Expert on Ethics Issues
Denise McGranahan, Esq. Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Nan McKay Nan McKay Associates, San Diego, CA
Catherine McKee National Housing Law Project
Christina McLeod Fair Housing Center of Washington
Namrata Rindani McMahill Mental Health Systems, San Diego, CA
Ann Menashe San Diego Office of Disability Rights
David Mendoza Fresno Native American & Business Development Center/Project Director
Kathleen Mikkelson, Esq. California Attorney General’s Office
Scott T. Millington Superior Court of Los Angeles County
Bonnie Milstein Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Christine Minnehan Western Center on Law and Poverty
Kim R. Moore Servant Leader, Organizer and Activist
Scott P. Moore, Esq. National Expert in Housing Law and Litigation
Enique Morones House of Mexico & House of Border Angels, San Diego, CA
Malissa Morris, Esq. Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
Ann Moss-Joyner Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities
Marjorie Murray Center for California Homeowner Association Law
Shayla Myers Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Jessica L. Nare Jewish Family Service
Ann Noel Fair Employment and Housing Commission
Priscilla Ocen Loyola College
Jayne O’Donnell USA’TODAY’s Health Policy Reporter
Odion L. Okojie, Law Offices of Odion Okojie
Heidi-Jane Olguin Law Offices of Sharon Lybeck Hartmann
Rigel Oliveri, Esq. University of Missouri
Roberto Ortiz Silver State Fair Housing Center, Reno, NV
Jennifer S. Pae Fairvote California
Crystal Page Center on Policy Initiatives
Richard Painter University of Minnesota Law School
Jim Park Asian Real Estate Association of America
Sandra Park American Civil Liberties Union Women’s Rights Project, NY
Deborah Smith Parker Solutions for Treatment Expansion
Wendy Patrick San Diego District Attorney’s Office
Caroline Peattie Fair Housing of Marin, CA
Ellen Peck California State Bar Ethic’s Committee
Kim Pedersen Fair Housing Law Project, Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
Erin Penning Legal Ethics Committee - San Diego County Bar Association
Carolyn Peoples Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD
James Perry Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Center
Jill Peterson California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Mike Phillips, Esq. Jewish Family Services, San Diego, CA
D. Elizabeth Pierson Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Lee Porter Fair Housing Council Northern New Jersey
Sara Pratt, Esq. Relman Colfax PLLC, Washington, DC
Jim Pries Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc
Alex Prieto, Esq. Western Center on Law & Poverty, Los Angeles, CA
David T. Quezada Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunities HUD-LA
Sheila Quinlan, Esq. California Indian Legal Services
Louis Rafti, Esq. Advocate for the Poor and Disabled
Michael Rawson California Affordable Housing Law Project
Joseph Red Bear American Indian Movement
Kevin Reed NAACP Legal Defense Fund and Educational Defense Fund
Dolores Reimann Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Joachim (Joe) Reimann Professional & Personal Excellence International
John P. Relman Relman and Associates, Washington DC
Gary Rhoades Law Offices of Rhoades and Al Mansour
Lisa Rice National Fair Housing Alliance
Jacqueline Rickman Lao Family Services
Jul Rivera National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, San Diego, CA
Laura Robinson Financial Analytics Consulting Team, Inc.
Dennis Rockway, Esq. Attorney Advocate
Catherine A Rodman, Esq. Affordable Housing Advocates, San Diego, CA
Steven Rosenbaum, Esq. Civil Rights Division of the U. S. Department of Justice
Beth Rosen–Prinz California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Richard Rothstein Economic Policy Institute
David Rubin San Diego County District Attorney’s Office
Robert Rubin, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney
Mya Rupert, Esq. National Center for Lesbian Rights
Juliet Saltman Kent State University
Chris Saunders San Diego Regional Hate Crimes Coalition
Kim Savage Mental Health Advocacy Services, Los Angeles,
Susan Saylor California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Kerry Scanlon Kaye, Scholar, Fireman, Hays & Handler, Washington, DC
Clifford Schrupp Fair Housing Center of Metro Detroit
Meliah Schultzman National Housing Law Project
Amy Schur Alliance of California for Community Empowerment
Dara Schur, Esq. California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Robert G. Schwemm, Esq. University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, KY
Lisa Walker Scott Housing and Development Law Institute
Susan L. Scovill HOME of Virginia
Christopher Sedmak Federal Bureau of Investigation Civil Rights Program
Alexandra Seldin, Esq. California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Michael P. Seng, Esq. UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL
Andrew A. Servais, Esq. Wingert, Grebing, Brubaaker & Juakie, LLP
Lillian C. Seymore JohnMarshall LawSchool Fair Housing Legal Support Center
Rasheed Shabazz Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society
Lori Shellenberger, Esq. American Civil Liberties Union, San Diego, CA
Susan Ann Silverstein AARP Foundation Litigation, Washington, DC
Jonathan Simon Center for the Study of Law and Society, Berkeley, CA
James D. Smith Law Office of James D. Smith, Berkeley, CA
Jay Smith Community Advocate
Shanna Smith National Fair Housing Alliance
Jessica Tankersley Sparks Fair Housing of Marin, San Rafael, CA
Andrew Sperling, Esq. NAMI, Alexandria, VA
Greg Spiegel Inner City Law Center, Los Angeles, CA
Kevin Stein, Esq. California Reinvestment Coalition
Naomi Sultan, Esq. Mental Health Advocacy Services
Jennifer Susskind Welcome Home Project
Suha Talib Intermountain Fair Housing Council
John Taylor National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Percy Thomas National Fair Housing Training Academy
Carla J. Thorton California Baptist University, Riverside, CA
Kere K. Tickner, Esq. Bremer Whyte Brown & O'Meara LLP
Chris Tenorio, Esq. US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Dan Torres, Esq. California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
Jim Treglio Fair Housing Council of San Diego
Robert Trestan Office of Civil Rights, Boston Housing Authority, Boston, MA
Nina Turner Ohio State Senator
Michelle Uzeta, Esq. Law Office of Michelle Uzeta
Ed Valenzuela Arizona Fair Housing Center
Hector Villagra American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California
Edward Voci Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities
Christopher Vogel, Esq. U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Nisha Vyas Housing Rights Center, Los Angeles
Kenneth M. Walden, Esq. Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago, IL
Ashley Walker City of San Diego’s Human Relations Commission
Pamela D. Walsh Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunities HUD-DC
John Ward, Esq. Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board
Michael Waterstone, Esq. Harvard Law School Project on Disability
Alphonza Whitaker Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission
Jennifer J. White The Help Group
Kellee White Research Fellow, Harvard University School of Public Health
Michelle White, Esq. Affordable Housing Services, Pasadena, CA
Sheryl V. Whitney Whitney Jennings
David Whritenour Fair Housing Council of Northern New Jersey
Renee Williams, Esq. National Housing Law Project
Lei-Chala Wilson, Esq. Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association
Jeanine Worden, Esq. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD
Daniel Yi Civil Rights Division's Fair Housing Testing Program
Jerome Zamos Law Office of Odion Okojie
Noah Zinner, Esq. Attorney Advocate